Truth & Life
John 14.6
Sundays 9am, Bella Vista
Botha’s Hill
Life Groups
Since our Life Groups are held in different suburbs, you’ll always find one close to you. Weekly meetings are held in people’s homes, where the relaxed and comfortable environment promotes friendships and enables group members to support and encourage one another.
You’ll be involved in discussions around a variety of interests and biblical topics, all geared to help you better understand God’s word for daily living. In addition, there are quarterly inter-life group meetings for specific series, games nights and community outreach projects. All the activities and involvement make you feel you belong to a special family with a shared passion for God.
B.O.L.D. Men's Group
Standing for Believe. Overcome. Lead. Disciple, the BOLD Men’s Group meets every Thursday from 6.45am to 8am, offering a great start to the working day. Discussions revolve around topics relevant to our lives and business as men.
There are also quarterly outreach events to encourage men on their life and faith journeys, as well as speak to issues men face with truth and life.
G.E.M.S. Ladies' Group
Faith and fellowship are at the core of our GEMS Ladies’ Group. Each member of the group is celebrated for her unique gifts, personality and life journey.
Throughout the year, we host a variety of events designed to enhance personal growth and learning, faith building, inner healing, outreach and fun. The goal is for every lady to come into the fullness of who they are in Christ, celebrate the precious treasure they are to those around them, and express their God given gifts and talents within the church community and beyond.
Kids love our Sunday morning sessions, filled with God’s word, craft activities, friendship building and fun!
We follow a variety of themes through the year, enabling the children to explore biblical and relevant life topics. We want our kids to grow up with confidence in God’s word, secure in His love and able to reach out to others.
“There is only one God, who is infinitely perfect – the Creator, Preserver and Governor of all things, and who is the only proper Object of Worship.”
About us
We are a family of believers who meet weekly to know and worship God. We strive to live God-centred lives, guided by His word.
We are part of the Harvest Cluster, under the leadership of John and Jayne Scholtz, which in turn is part of the Church of the Nations’ family. No matter where in the world we live and serve our Lord, we embrace the same values of:
- Passion for God, His church and His Kingdom
- Bible-based Christianity
- Worship, prayer and community.
- Excellence of ministry
- A sense of belonging and family
- Authentic Relationships (openness, honesty and integrity)
- The priesthood of all believers and, every believer a minister
Isaiah 40:30-31 NIV
John 14:6
We are a family of believers who meet weekly to know and worship God. We strive to live God-centred lives, guided by His word.